Eric Prydz EPIC 2.0 @ Aragon Ballroom Review – 11/29/13

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Upon walking into the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago on November 29th, I was immediately struck with an electric vibe that led me directly to the dance floor.  Fehrplay and Jeremy Olander were raging their opening set on a dimmed stage with a handful of blue lasers that lit up the venue walls.  As their time on stage ran down minute by minute, the anticipation grew for Eric Prydz to show off his arsenal of visuals and drops.

Those who somewhat knew what to expect based on Youtube videos uploaded from previous shows on the EPIC 2.0 tour knew they were in for a treat; and a treat is exactly what we got.

Eric Prydz’ EPIC 2.0 was nothing short of electrifying.  The performance is truly a must see for anyone who appreciates the arts of composing music and mastering lighting, live.   Being aware that the show mostly improvisational brought chills to my spine as the digital masterpiece unfolded before me under the Aragon Ballroom’s cosmic painted ceiling.  In addition to laser beams that created an LED web over the crowd, 3D holograms surrounded Eric’s setup.  One of the holograms completely enclosed Eric within its triangular walls of light.

I was honestly astounded by the overall performance and have not been able to stop ranting and raving about EPIC 2.0.  As Eric mentioned in past about EPIC 2.0, ‘once it’s gone, it’s gone; there will never be another show like it.’  Right he was about that.  I cannot recall seeing such a cocktail of visuals stirred with such epic music that flowed throughout the night.

From the opening performances by Fehrplay and Jeremy Olander to Eric Prydz’ gift of composing music, and, to his light team filling the crowd’s eyes with visual delights they’ll never forget, EPIC 2.0 was one of the best electronic shows I’ve seen at the Aragon Ballroom.  Period.  Hopefully for the rest of the world, Eric will reignite his bouquet of lights and beats for another chapter in the EPIC series, but until then you can keep up to speed with his new music by supporting Pryda Tracks.